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  1. import sys
  2. sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
  3. from amaranth import *
  4. from amaranth.lib import wiring
  5. from amaranth.lib.wiring import In, Out
  6. from amaranth.lib.enum import Enum
  7. from amaranth.back import verilog
  8. class ALUOp(Enum):
  9. ADD = 0
  10. SUB = 1
  11. SLL = 2
  12. SRA = 3
  13. SRL = 4
  14. AND = 5
  15. OR = 6
  16. XOR = 7
  17. SLT = 8
  18. SLTU = 9
  19. class ALU(wiring.Component):
  20. def __init__(self):
  21. print("### ALU constructor", file=sys.stderr)
  22. super().__init__({
  23. "I_en": In(1),
  24. "I_aluop": In(ALUOp),
  25. "I_op1": In(32),
  26. "I_op2": In(32),
  27. "O_ack": Out(1),
  28. "O_data": Out(32),
  29. "O_eq": Out(1),
  30. "O_neq": Out(1),
  31. "O_lt": Out(1),
  32. "O_ge": Out(1),
  33. "O_ltu": Out(1),
  34. "O_geu": Out(1)
  35. })
  36. def elaborate(self, platform) -> Module:
  37. m = Module()
  38. comb = m.d.comb
  39. sync = m.d.sync
  40. # The 32-bit computation result
  41. result = Signal(32)
  42. ### Shifter signals ###
  43. shift = Signal(1) # shift operation requested?
  44. shift_right = Signal(1) # is a right shift (arithmetic or logical) requested?
  45. shift_signed = Signal(1) # is this an arithmetic shift?
  46. shift_sign = Signal(1) # sign bit to be shifted in on right shifts
  47. shift_finished = Signal(1) # is the multi-cycle shifter finished?
  48. shift_counter = Signal(5) # how many bits to shift
  49. with m.Switch(self.I_aluop):
  50. with m.Case(ALUOp.SLL):
  51. comb += [shift.eq(1), shift_right.eq(0), shift_signed.eq(0)]
  52. with m.Case(ALUOp.SRA):
  53. comb += [shift.eq(1), shift_right.eq(1), shift_signed.eq(1)]
  54. with m.Case(ALUOp.SRL):
  55. comb += [shift.eq(1), shift_right.eq(1), shift_signed.eq(0)]
  56. with m.Default():
  57. comb += [shift.eq(0), shift_right.eq(0), shift_signed.eq(0)]
  58. comb += shift_sign.eq(Mux(shift_signed, self.I_op1[31], 0))
  59. sync += shift_finished.eq(0)
  60. ### Comparison flags stuff ###
  61. # Using a 33-bit subtraction result and a 32-bit xor to compute
  62. # less-than and less-than-unsigned results.
  63. # Given we need sub and xor anyways, this saves logic.
  64. eq = Signal(1)
  65. lt = Signal(1)
  66. ltu = Signal(1)
  67. sub = Signal(33) # 33 bits, additional bit for underflow detection
  68. xor = Signal(32) # 32 bits
  69. comb += {
  70. sub.eq(self.I_op1 - self.I_op2), # Subtraction with 33-bit result
  71. xor.eq(self.I_op1 ^ self.I_op2), # 32-bit xor
  72. eq.eq(self.I_op1 == self.I_op2),
  73. lt.eq(sub[32] ^ xor[31]), # signed comparison: xor underflow bit with xored sign bit
  74. ltu.eq(sub[32]) # unsigned comparison: simply look at underflow bit
  75. }
  76. with m.If(self.I_en):
  77. with m.If(~shift): # Single-cycle OPs
  78. with m.Switch(self.I_aluop):
  79. with m.Case(ALUOp.ADD):
  80. sync += result.eq(self.I_op1 + self.I_op2)
  81. with m.Case(ALUOp.SUB):
  82. sync += result.eq(sub[0:32])
  83. with m.Case(ALUOp.AND):
  84. sync += result.eq(self.I_op1 & self.I_op2)
  85. with m.Case(ALUOp.OR):
  86. sync += result.eq(self.I_op1 | self.I_op2)
  87. with m.Case(ALUOp.XOR):
  88. sync += result.eq(xor)
  89. with m.Case(ALUOp.SLT):
  90. sync += result.eq(Cat(lt, 0))
  91. with m.Case(ALUOp.SLTU):
  92. sync += result.eq(Cat(ltu, 0))
  93. with m.Else(): # Multi-cycle shifts
  94. with m.FSM():
  95. with m.State("shift_idle"):
  96. sync += result.eq(self.I_op1)
  97. sync += shift_counter.eq(self.I_op2)
  98. = "shift_work"
  99. with m.State("shift_work"):
  100. with m.If(shift_counter.bool() & shift):
  101. with m.If(shift_right):
  102. sync += result.eq(Cat(result[1:32], shift_sign))
  103. with m.Else():
  104. sync += result.eq(Cat(0, result[0:31]))
  105. sync += shift_counter.eq(shift_counter - 1)
  106. with m.Else():
  107. sync += shift_finished.eq(1)
  108. = "shift_finish"
  109. with m.State("shift_finish"):
  110. # just hold output for one clock cycle longer
  111. = "shift_idle"
  112. ack = (~shift) | (shift & shift_finished)
  113. # wire output signals
  114. comb += [
  115. self.O_ack.eq(ack),
  116. self.O_data.eq(result),
  117. ]
  118. # register comparison flags
  119. sync += [
  120. self.O_eq.eq(eq),
  121. self.O_neq.eq(~eq),
  122. self.O_lt.eq(lt),
  123. self.O_ge.eq(~lt),
  124. self.O_ltu.eq(ltu),
  125. self.O_geu.eq(~ltu),
  126. ]
  127. return m
  128. if __name__ == "__main__":
  129. alu = ALU()
  130. with open("alu.v", "w") as f:
  131. f.write(verilog.convert(alu))