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  1. import sys
  2. sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
  3. import math
  4. from amaranth import *
  5. from amaranth.lib import wiring
  6. from amaranth.lib.wiring import In, Out
  7. from amaranth.lib.enum import Enum
  8. from amaranth.back import verilog
  9. ##############################
  10. ######### Oscillator #########
  11. ##############################
  12. class Sn76489_Oscillator(wiring.Component):
  13. def __init__(self):
  14. print("### Sn76489_Oscillator constructor", file=sys.stderr)
  15. super().__init__({
  16. "I_clk_gate": In(1),
  17. "I_freq": In(10),
  18. "O_voice": Out(1)
  19. })
  20. def elaborate(self, platform):
  21. m = Module()
  22. counter = Signal(10)
  23. out = Signal(1)
  24. with m.If(self.I_clk_gate):
  25. m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter - 1)
  26. with m.If(counter == 0):
  27. m.d.sync += [
  28. out.eq(~out),
  29. counter.eq(self.I_freq)
  30. ]
  31. # for frequency values of 0 and 1 output a constant 1
  32. voice = out | self.I_freq[1:10] == 0
  33. m.d.comb += self.O_voice.eq(voice)
  34. return m
  35. ###################################
  36. ######### Noise generator #########
  37. ###################################
  38. class Sn76489_Noise(wiring.Component):
  39. def __init__(self):
  40. print("### Sn76489_Noise constructor", file=sys.stderr)
  41. super().__init__({
  42. "I_clk_gate": In(1),
  43. "I_ctrl": In(3),
  44. "I_freq": In(10),
  45. "I_reset_voice": In(1),
  46. "O_voice": Out(1),
  47. "O_reset_ack": Out(1)
  48. })
  49. def elaborate(self, platform):
  50. m = Module()
  51. reset = Signal(1)
  52. counter = Signal(10)
  53. shiftreg = Signal(16, init=0x8000)
  54. flipbit = Signal(1)
  55. rate = self.I_ctrl[0:2]
  56. white_noise = self.I_ctrl[2]
  57. with m.If(self.I_clk_gate):
  58. m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter - 1)
  59. with m.If(counter == 0):
  60. m.d.sync += flipbit.eq(~flipbit)
  61. with m.Switch(rate):
  62. with m.Case(0b00):
  63. m.d.sync += counter.eq(0x10)
  64. with m.Case(0b01):
  65. m.d.sync += counter.eq(0x20)
  66. with m.Case(0b10):
  67. m.d.sync += counter.eq(0x40)
  68. with m.Case(0b11):
  69. m.d.sync += counter.eq(self.I_freq)
  70. with m.If(flipbit == 0):
  71. m.d.sync += [
  72. shiftreg[0:15].eq(shiftreg[1:16]),
  73. shiftreg[15].eq(Mux(white_noise, shiftreg[3] ^ shiftreg[0], shiftreg[0]))
  74. ]
  75. with m.If(self.I_reset_voice != reset):
  76. m.d.sync += [
  77. shiftreg.eq(0x8000),
  78. reset.eq(self.I_reset_voice)
  79. ]
  80. m.d.comb += [
  81. self.O_reset_ack.eq(reset),
  82. self.O_voice.eq(shiftreg[0])
  83. ]
  84. return m
  85. #########################
  86. ######### Mixer #########
  87. #########################
  88. class Sn76489_Mixer(wiring.Component):
  89. def __init__(self):
  90. print("### Sn76489_Mixer constructor", file=sys.stderr)
  91. super().__init__({
  92. "I_voices": In(4),
  93. "I_attenuation": In(4 * 4),
  94. "O_pcm": Out(8)
  95. })
  96. def voice_value(self, m, voice, att):
  97. value = Signal(6)
  98. values = [63, 59, 55, 50, 46, 42, 38, 34, 29, 25, 21, 17, 13, 8, 4]
  99. with m.Switch(Cat(att, voice)):
  100. for i in range(len(values)):
  101. with m.Case(0b10000 + i):
  102. m.d.comb += value.eq(values[i])
  103. with m.Default():
  104. m.d.comb += value.eq(0)
  105. return value
  106. def elaborate(self, platform):
  107. m = Module()
  108. values = []
  109. for i in range(4):
  110. voice = self.I_voices[i]
  111. att = self.I_attenuation[i*4:(i*4)+4]
  112. values.append(self.voice_value(m, voice, att))
  113. pcm1 = values[0] + values[1] # 6 bits + 6 bits = 7 bits
  114. pcm2 = values[2] + values[3] # 6 bits + 6 bits = 7 bits
  115. pcm = pcm1 + pcm2 # 7 bits + 7 bits = 8 bits
  116. m.d.comb += self.O_pcm.eq(pcm)
  117. return m
  118. #######################
  119. ######### Top #########
  120. #######################
  121. class Sn76489(wiring.Component):
  122. def __init__(self, clk_target=3579545, clk_infreq=25 * 1000 * 1000):
  123. print("### Sn76489 constructor", file=sys.stderr)
  124. super().__init__({
  125. "I_command": In(8),
  126. "I_write": In(1),
  127. "O_pcm": Out(8),
  128. "O_pcm_new": Out(1)
  129. })
  130. self.clk_divider = round((clk_infreq / clk_target) * 16)
  131. print(f"# SN76489 clk_divider: {self.clk_divider}")
  132. def elaborate(self, platform):
  133. m = Module()
  134. # Clock divider stuff
  135. clk_gate = Signal(1)
  136. clk_counter = Signal(math.ceil(math.log(self.clk_divider, 2)))
  137. m.d.sync += [
  138. clk_gate.eq(0),
  139. clk_counter.eq(clk_counter - 1)
  140. ]
  141. with m.If(clk_counter == 0):
  142. m.d.sync += [
  143. clk_gate.eq(1),
  144. clk_counter.eq(self.clk_divider)
  145. ]
  146. # voice control registers
  147. registers = [
  148. Signal(10), # register 000 - voice 1 freq
  149. Signal(4), # register 001 - voice 1 attenuation
  150. Signal(10), # register 010 - voice 2 freq
  151. Signal(4), # register 011 - voice 2 attenuation
  152. Signal(10), # register 100 - voice 3 freq
  153. Signal(4), # register 101 - voice 3 attenuation
  154. Signal(3), # register 110 - noise control
  155. Signal(4) # register 111 - noise attenuation
  156. ]
  157. # Instantiate three oscillators
  158. oscillators = []
  159. voice_outputs = []
  160. for i in range(3):
  161. osc = Sn76489_Oscillator()
  162. m.submodules += osc
  163. oscillators.append(osc)
  164. osc_output = Signal(1)
  165. voice_outputs.append(osc_output)
  166. m.d.comb += [
  167. osc.I_clk_gate.eq(clk_gate),
  168. osc.I_freq.eq(registers[2*i]), # connect freq registers
  169. osc_output.eq(osc.O_voice)
  170. ]
  171. # Instantiate noise generator
  172. noise = Sn76489_Noise()
  173. m.submodules += noise
  174. noise_reset = Signal(1)
  175. noise_reset_ack = Signal(1)
  176. m.d.comb += [
  177. noise.I_clk_gate.eq(clk_gate),
  178. noise.I_ctrl.eq(registers[6]),
  179. noise.I_freq.eq(registers[4]),
  180. noise.I_reset_voice.eq(noise_reset),
  181. noise_reset_ack.eq(noise.O_reset_ack)
  182. ]
  183. voice_outputs.append(noise.O_voice)
  184. # Instantiate the voice mixer
  185. mixer = Sn76489_Mixer()
  186. m.submodules += mixer
  187. pcm = Signal(8)
  188. m.d.comb += [
  189. mixer.I_voices.eq(Cat(voice_outputs[0], voice_outputs[1], voice_outputs[2], voice_outputs[3])),
  190. mixer.I_attenuation.eq(Cat(registers[1], registers[3], registers[5], registers[7])),
  191. pcm.eq(mixer.O_pcm)
  192. ]
  193. # Update logic for control registers
  194. update = Signal(1)
  195. m.d.sync += update.eq(0)
  196. update_data = Signal(7)
  197. register = Signal(3)
  198. with m.If(self.I_write):
  199. m.d.sync += [
  200. update.eq(1),
  201. update_data.eq(Cat(self.I_command[0:6], self.I_command[7]))
  202. ]
  203. with m.If(self.I_command[7]):
  204. m.d.sync += register.eq(self.I_command[4:7])
  205. with m.If(update):
  206. with m.Switch(Cat(update_data[6], register)):
  207. with m.Case(0b0000):
  208. m.d.sync += registers[0][4:10].eq(update_data[0:6])
  209. with m.Case(0b0001):
  210. m.d.sync += registers[0][0:4].eq(update_data[0:4])
  211. with m.Case(0b0010, 0b0011):
  212. m.d.sync += registers[1].eq(update_data[0:4])
  213. with m.Case(0b0100):
  214. m.d.sync += registers[2][4:10].eq(update_data[0:6])
  215. with m.Case(0b0101):
  216. m.d.sync += registers[2][0:4].eq(update_data[0:4])
  217. with m.Case(0b0110, 0b0111):
  218. m.d.sync += registers[3].eq(update_data[0:4])
  219. with m.Case(0b1000):
  220. m.d.sync += registers[4][4:10].eq(update_data[0:6])
  221. with m.Case(0b1001):
  222. m.d.sync += registers[4][0:4].eq(update_data[0:4])
  223. with m.Case(0b1010, 0b1011):
  224. m.d.sync += registers[5].eq(update_data[0:4])
  225. with m.Case(0b1100, 0b1101):
  226. m.d.sync += [
  227. registers[6].eq(update_data[0:3]),
  228. noise_reset.eq(~noise_reset_ack)
  229. ]
  230. with m.Case(0b1110, 0b1111):
  231. m.d.sync += registers[7].eq(update_data[0:4])
  232. m.d.sync += [
  233. self.O_pcm.eq(pcm),
  234. self.O_pcm_new.eq(clk_gate)
  235. ]
  236. return m
  237. if __name__ == "__main__":
  238. psg = Sn76489()
  239. with open("sn76489.v", "w") as f:
  240. f.write(verilog.convert(psg, name="sn76489"))

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